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Do you have a question? 고민하지 말고 편하게 Discord 서버에 질문하거나 [email protected]으로 이메일을 보내십시오.

What is stats.fm?

stats.fm is an app that allows you to have exciting insights in your Spotify top tracks, artists, genres and a lot more! 저희의 웹사이트에서 자세한 정보를 알아보고 앱을 내려받을 수 있습니다.

오류를 발견했습니다. 어떻게 신고해야 합니까?

Please contact us at [email protected] or post it in our Discord server in the #bug-reports channel.

I want to help translate stats.fm

도움을 주신다면 정말 감사드리겠습니다! Crowdin 프로젝트에서 번역에 기여할 수 있습니다.

The app does not seem to track my streams accurately. What could be the reasons?

This problem exists when the tracks you stream do not show up in the "Recently Played" section of the stats.fm app, or show up incompletely which can lead to inaccurate stats. It can have several causes.

For the best possible tracking of your streams make sure to:

  • disable Spotify's private sessions or group sessions
  • disable Spotify's offline mode (only a limited amount of tracks, only max. the last 50 streams, are regarded, when coming back online)
  • avoid skipping tracks (for stats.fm to track your stream properly, you need to fully listen to it)
  • ensure that the setting sync streaming history is enabled so that the stats are kept up to date after importing the listening history files (only applicable for stats.fm Plus users)

In case you followed all the tips above and are still noticing that streamed tracks in your Recently Played section are missing it is most likely an issue at Spotify. If recently played tracks are both missing in the Recently Played section on stats.fm and the Spotify app, it is a temporary outage at the Spotify systems which we noticed occasionally in the past months. Usually, the missed tracks are gradually being restored after a few hours and will slowly appear again on stats.fm too (also note here that only max. the last 50 tracks streamed during downtime can be restored!). If the problem persists for a longer time, directly contact Spotify's support.

FAQ 더 보기

  • stats.fm Plus FAQ
  • Import FAQ, check out the FAQ in the sidebar under the Import FAQ tab.